Giovanni Birthday

March 13, 2021

13 Years Old

The Birthday Boy and Family have arrived. Let the fun begin. This is the only time that Giovanni will experience his birth date and his age happen on the same day, March 13th!! 13 year old!!
The table is set!!
Let the Chips fall where they may??
Four boxes of Lego people, grandmother Marlene bought for Giovanni & his friends that are coming!
Mom Elaine preparing a great salad to go with lunch and and Pizza to come later!!
Grandmother Marlene setting the table with dip by Elaine to go with the chips!!
Ben's sister Eliza at the table, she takes piano lessons from Marlene!!
Here are the Moms of Giovanni amd Ben, Elaine and Rebecca Schreiber. Rebecca lived across the street and Ben and Giovanni became good friends and alway keep in touch and try to figure out a way to get together!!
The guests and pizza have both arrived. Friend Ben and Giovanni are digging in!!
Rebecca's youngest son Luke, he enjoys coming to our house and playing!!
Yes, the boys have their plates full and are enjoying the moment!!
Eliza has joined the boys now and Giovanni is giving Papa Ron his favorite pose for me!!
Please Click on the Pictures for Enlargement or Click on the Butterfly for Page Two!!