Justin Love Robershaw

Birthday Celebration

February 18th - 19th

Four Years Old

The Birthday Party for Justin, happened when his Family returned from Church on Sunday morning!! As Justin walked in the front door all of the ballons were dropped on him from the balcony above!! This was his Aunt Valerie and cousin Nieto's idea and work!!
Lunch time!! Three large pizza's for the Family!! Justin, sisters Chloe and Olivia, with cousin Nieto and Giovanni above!!
Play time!! Justin and his sisters have gathered the ballons, playing after lunch!!
Sister Olivia showing Justin a drawing she had made for his birthday card!! Aunt Valerie is looking on!!
Chloe and Justin stopped running for this picture, Notice the pull toy behind Justin!!
Grandma Marlene hitting the ballon with niece Chloe!!
Cake Time!! The beautiful birthday cake, made by grand mother Marlene. Keeping with the theme was a carrot cake!!
Justin was a little leery of the flames, but did blow out the candles!! And of course we all sang Happy Birthday to Justin!!
The candles are lit, and grandmother Marlene is presenting the cake to Justin!!
TIME TO OPEN GIFTS!! Mother Kim, supervising!!
The kids loved the Toy Food package of Mc Donalds food!! It was a gift from Justin's, Mom and Dad!!
A nerf football from GrandMa and Papa Ron. I hear he has been having fun kicking it!!
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Above Justin is enjoying his C D player from his grandmother Bonnie who lives in Montana!! In the picture on the right Justin is honored at his school on his birthday!!